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Friday, April 10, 2009 Y 4:10 PM

Hello Everybody,
I woke up at 5.10am todae.. Hehe:].. Now I'm watching CardCaptor Sakura.. It is Japanese Anime from April 7 1998 to March 21 2000:].. It is available on
www.animeseason.com ..I like it very much.. I have watched it for like 10 times the whole series including this time:].. I very bored sia, don't know what to do:[.. Haha.. I will see you again! *~Chiao For Now:]!~*

Thursday, April 9, 2009 Y 5:28 AM

Hello Everybody,
Todae is such a tiring day :[.. I almost slept during tuition lesson :[.. So lucky I didn't.. Hehe :].. Anyway, how was your day? I hope it was fine. Holiday starts tmr so must save your energy for the holidays.. Haha :].. I wish you all good luck for your holidays and I hope that good things will happen to you during the holidays :]! *~Chiao for now~*

Y 3:20 AM

Heya Everyone!
Rule 1:Don't hesitate
To Start, Take a piece of paper and a pen/pencil.
Then, write the no.s 1-11.
On the no.s 1&2, write your two favourite numbers.
On the no.s 3&7, write two people's name of the opposite gender that you know.
On the no.s 4,5&6, write three of your frens that you know. (Can be any gender.)
On the no.s 8,9,10&11, write the names of four songs that exist.


So the results of the test are..
The number at no. 2 is the number of people you will have to tell about this game.
The person at no. 3 is the person you love or like.
The person at no. 7 is the person you like but your relationship can't work out.
The person at no. 4 is the person whom you care most.
The person at no. 5 is the person who knows you well.
The person at no. 6 is your lucky star.
The song at no. 8 matches the person at no. 3.
The song at no. 9 is for the person at no. 7.
The song at no. 10 tells you most about your life.
The song at no. 11 is telling you how you feel about life.
So, your answer is?
If it is wrong, you can blame me but the person who created this is not me..


School:My frens should noe.
Age:Dun want to tell.
This is my blog.
Please respect it cause it's not yours.


Love stories.

No Favz.

People who destroy the environment.
People who don't respect the others.


-`Everyone happy

More than words.

This is my tagboard.
Don't use harsh words.

Cbox :

Question for Todae~

If you like someone, What will you do?
2)Pretend that you don't like him.
3)Ask your best fren for an opinion.
on whether to confess or not.
Write your answers on the tagboard in no.s.
April 2009

The Sweet Escape.

Tag me if you want to be linked.
If you are linked, please link me back as well.

Chen Zung
Si Jia
